What is your life or that of your colleagues worth to you? Securing human life is the top priority when working in shafts. With the Loading-Lift system, you not only have the option of securing people but also of rescuing injured persons.
When working in the shaft, it is possible to replace pumps and slide valves while at the same time securing people against falling with the aid of a Rollgliss or fall arrester on the Loading-Lift. The loading lift is PPE-tested for personal safety with 14KN for 3 persons.
A roller blind is available as an option for almost every vehicle with a high roof. If it is needed, the roller blind can be moved outwards by simply moving two catch hooks on the slide. This protects you from the sun and rain showers. A highlight is the worklight mounted on the slide, which can also illuminate work in the shaft (optionally available). Furthermore, every Loading-Lift system can be equipped with a lateral movement of the electric winch (electric or manual).